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Donor Login

Previous donors may log in to see donation history and edit recurring donations.

Login is not required to donate. Scroll down to give now. If you have given previously and login, this form will auto-fill your name and address.

Link to Login page

If you need help making a donation online, contact us.

Radius is a 501c3 and always works in compliance with IRS law for tax-deductible receipting, and makes every effort to apply gifts according to the donor’s indicated preference.

Please let us know your preference of use of the funds in the "Other" Details at the bottom of this form. "Other" is not to pay student tuition. Pay tuition here
Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
On Behalf Of Organization
Name and Home Address
Direct Debit
Agreement Your account data will be used to charge your bank account via direct debit. While submitting this form you agree to the charging of your bank account via direct debit.
Billing Name and Address
You can find your Bank Routing Number and Bank Account number by inspecting a check.
"Other" Details
Please state your preference for use of funds donated to "Other."